Before my live blood test I weighed 14 stone 8lbs now I am 12 stone 7lbs after 3 months! My blood pressure was 140/95 with tablets now it is 130/90 …Robert Rollins, Age 52
Live & Dried blood tests provide instant solutions to your health problems. Our tailored health plans and follow-up appointments ensure you remain the healthiest you.
Live Blood Test has been featured in the following media and publications
Dec 27, 2012
Dr Errol Denton NON Medical Doctor with natural cures for disease or Dr Smith local pharmaceutical drug pusher? Which Doctor is the WITCH …
Dec 11, 2012
Errol Denton Harley Street Live Blood Specialist offers alternative medicine treatment for Acne. This treatment is safe without the deadly side effects of the drug Roaccutane which contributed to the …
Get a FREE PDF on 7 ways to clean your blood
Get your FREE PDF Now!Nov 06, 2012
Errol Denton uses live blood analysis testing to help student lose 7 stones (47 kilogram) in 7 months. Live blood test located in Harley Street and Dubai gets international …
Jul 18, 2011
Conscious TV has featured Errol Denton a number of times explaining Live Blood Analysis in detail including testing a client and viewing her …
Live and dry blood analysis is a revolutionary technique that enables both the microscopist and you to observe and analyse the characteristics of your blood – there and then.
It is interesting to note that one drop of blood is an expression of the entire health and fitness of the body, including every organ and gland. Looking at blood is like looking at the entire life of a person.
Live Blood Testing and Iridology can provide answers to so many ongoing mysteries that may have been bothering you for some time. Do you feel unwell? Are you always tired? Do you suffer from unexplained aches and pains, or any other unknown symptoms?
Even if you have been failed by other medical tests in the past, we can help you today
Live blood analysis – also known as live blood cell analysis, nutritional microscopy or sometimes darkfield microscopy biological terrain assessment – is fundamentally the analysis of living blood under an extremely powerful microscope connected to a camera.
The condition and quality of your red blood cells have a direct impact on your present and future health, with stress and disease appearing in the blood years before they manifest in the body. So what do your blood cells look like?
Live blood testing enables us to see your blood exactly as it behaves inside your body, giving a clear picture of your health at a cellular level.
Iridology is the study of the eyes, particularly the iris. Your eyes serve as 'windows' to your state of health, with the iris revealing information about your entire body.
Iridology is a safe, non-invasive, painless and reliable way of obtaining a 'snapshot' of your health, enabling you to start taking responsibility for it.