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Live Blood Analysis - Tailored Health Plan

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Tailored Health Plan

By analysing how your blood picture relates to the level of health challenges experienced by you, any needs and/or deficiencies relating to your nutrition can be easily identified. A specific tailor-made healthy eating plan is then prescribed using food as the medicine to restore your blood to a healthy condition by removing the excess acidity and toxins.

We perceive there to be "one sickness, one disease” which is caused by the "over acidification of the blood and the tissues due to inverted ways of living, eating and thinking”. As such we do not recognise disease – merely clean, healthy blood or acidic, dirty unhealthy blood.

We can, however, see typical markers for the potential for particular diseases. After all, a person does not wake up one morning suddenly suffering from gout, diabetes, etc. Disease appears as stress in the blood years before manifesting as symptoms in the body. Through its ability to detect the potential for disease very early on, live blood analysis is therefore the ultimate preventative medicine tool available today.

General health and wellbeing

This could be called having a spark or a zest for life; waking up feeling refreshed, energized and positive about life. Again, this is directly linked to your blood and this is also an area in which we have had tremendous success.

Fitness, relaxation, rehabilitation, general wellbeing, increased energy or weight loss and control are just some of the most popular aims of our clients. All of this is achievable through our tailored health plans.

The path to a healthier lifestyle couldn't be simpler...

3 Steps to a better lifestyle

Overall Health Benefits

One consultation could change your life.

See how it can help you

Meet The Consultants

Errol Denton

Certified nutritional microscopist, Qualified iridologist.

Read more about Errol

Rolant Jones

Trainer to the stars

Read more about Rolant

Donna Still

Mind coach

Read more about Donna



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