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Live Blood Analysis - Live and dry blood analysis history

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Live and dry blood analysis history

Viewing live blood under a microscope is probably as old as the microscope itself. But it was the work of European scientists Dr Antoine Bechamp and Dr Gunther Enderlein in the mid-19th and early 20th centuries that would advance the use of the microscope, challenge the medical establishment of the day and propose new ways of interpreting what was being viewed in blood. Other microscopists included noted physiologist Dr Claude Bernard, who coined the term "internal milieu", Germ Theory advocate Louis Pasteur, Californian Dr. Virginia Livingston Wheeler and Canadian scientist Gaston Naessens. (Dr Robert O Young PhD D.Sc: 2001: Sick and Tired)

Pasteur formulated the ‘Germ Theory’ by plagiarizing Antoine Bechamp’s theory of pleomorphism. Pleomorphism can be clearly demonstrated when viewing live blood cells. Bechamp postulated that it was all about the internal environment within the blood and that bacterium was a consequence of a polluted environment in the same way that rats would appear when rubbish was dumped because they wished to feed off it. Bacteria exist all around us yet we do not get sick all the time because we have immune systems that recognise these organisms and remove them from the body. When the body becomes acidic or toxic similar to a rubbish dump then it becomes a ‘fertile soil’ for bacteria, yeast and mould, hence disease.

Pasteur’s theory was accepted by the then medical fraternity because it meant huge revenues for pharmaceutical drug companies. Bechamp’s theory was rejected because it merely meant that the individual would have to take responsibility for their own health by choosing the correct nutritional habits and lifestyle and there was no money to be made from that. The medical fraternity therefore deemed Bechamp’s theory as ‘unscientific’ claiming that Pasteur’s theory could be consistently demonstrated. Pasteur’s theory has since been shown to be faulty because we now have antibiotic resistant strains of bacteria and at the same time vindicating Bechamp who said that the bacteria or microzyma could not be killed as it will only change or mutate.

In the 1920s, European medical practitioners added another twist to unconventional microscopy when they began looking at dried blood samples, later called the Oxidative Stress Test. A glass microscope slide is dabbed onto a bead of blood on the finger in sequence several times, resulting in a slide with eight individual drops of blood pressed upon the slide and allowed to air dry.

The resulting patterns seen in the dry blood under the bright field format reveal a characteristic ‘footprint’ which can be seen in similar cases and, thus, are predictive of certain generalised pathologies. For instance, cases of advanced degenerative disease show very poor clotting and minimal fibrin formation with many white ‘puddles’ disseminated throughout the sample. In contrast, a healthy control subject's blood shows a tight, fibrin-rich clotting pattern with no white puddles.

In the 1930s, the head of surgery at Massachusetts General Hospital, Dr H L Bowlen MD, introduced the dry blood test to America. Dr Bowlen learned the dry test from President Dwight D. Eisenhower's physicians, Drs Heitlan and LaGarde. In the 1970s, one of Heitlan-LaGarde's students, Dr Robert Bradford of the American Biologics Hospital in Mexico, began teaching other practitioners how to perform this test. So there is now over 70 years of dry blood testing data by hundreds of healthcare practitioners worldwide.

Nutritional microscopy is now an alternative examination routinely practised by holistic medical, osteopathic, chiropractic and naturopathic physicians, as well as other healthcare professionals around the world, to provide an insightful view of the biological terrain.

Dr Robert O Young has extended the work carried out with live and dry blood analysis with nearly two decades of research. In particular, his findings on the use of the Mycotoxic Oxidative Stress Test have resulted in major advances of understanding.

Read about Dr Young’s New Biology.

Errol Denton is a nutritional microscopist, trained and certified by Dr Young and the pH Miracle Center to view blood through the unique perspective of the New Biology. According to the New Biology there is only balance and imbalance in body chemistry, with imbalances seen as ‘conditions’ brought on by acidity from poor diet, nutrition or lifestyle choices; the solution is to alkalize and energize.

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Errol Denton

Certified nutritional microscopist, Qualified iridologist.

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Rolant Jones

Trainer to the stars

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